Jihye Park
Biographie / Biography
1984 geboren in Seoul, KOR (Republik) / born in Seoul, KOR (Republic)
Studium an der  Seoul Women‘s Universität, Seoul, KOR
/B.F.A. Painting. Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
Studium an der  Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE
/Painting, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Einzelausstellung / Solo Exhibition
2013  A closed landscape, Gallery Santorini Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Gruppenausstellung / Group Exhibition
2021  Kunstpreis der Kulturstiftung  „Fensterbilder“ , Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
2021  Horror Vacui, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, Germany
2021  „pressen schieben atmen“. Künstlerhaus Ulm, Ulm, Germany
2019  Zum 250. Jubiläums der Mondlandung , Campus Weißenhof: Neubau 2, Graben, Stuttgart, Germany
2019  Kunstpreis der Kulturstiftung “Unterwegs – wohin?”, Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
2018  Kunstpreis der Kulturstiftung ”Die Welt…aus den Fugen geraten?”, Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany     
2014  BJN Gallery 2nd Contest Exhibition, BJN Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014  Real Landscape, Ramada Hotel&Suites Seoul Namdaemun, Seoul, Korea
2013  A-Korea-India Young Artists Exhibition, Art Space K, Seoul, Korea
2013  TORQUE, Gallery Sobab, Yangpyeong, Korea
2013  Garden of imagination, Guro Arts Valley, Seoul, Korea
2013  "We are animalier", Atelier turning, Seoul, Korea
2013  IMMATURE NARCISSISM, Connoi-space, Seoul, Korea
2012  The sight of youth, Naru Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2010  Dung-giduk kung-duck, Gallery Duck, Seoul, Korea
2010  The Wallpaper, Gallery Haru, Jeju, Korea
2009  The golden ticket, Gallery Lu, Seoul, Korea
2008  The 4th Selected Artist, Gallery Door, Seoul, Korea
2007  Pre-Christmas_"Crazy Christmas Party", KT Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
2007  The 8th Preview, Alternative Space Team Preview, Seoul, Korea
2007  The paper, Sabae Contemporary Art Center, Fukui, Japan
2007  Remake can (Selected Artist), Gallery Bunam, Seoul, Korea
2007  Picture Postcard_The Cultural Exchange between Korea and Japan, Craftstory, Busan, Korea
2006  The Special Project: The Power of Young Artist in Korea, Gallery Bunam, Seoul, Korea

Jihye Park